Energize Faculty Tech Use on Campus

To reach digital natives, higher education faculty need deeply integrated classroom technology. As more smart-phone raised young people enter college, the demand for campus digital evolution grows.
>>Download the full report on faculty tech use.
Despite trends, some faculty avoid ed tech
College and university leaders value ongoing digital evolution. Research shows that students embrace education technology, too. A McGraw Hill study reveals most students believe ed tech furthers their achievement.
>>94% of students say digital technology helps them grasp concepts
>>60% say digital learning tech has improved their grades and increased course material engagement
Despite the link to student success, some faculty hesitate to consider digital solutions. This white paper, Inspire Evolution: Increasing Faculty Technology Use in Higher Education, offers a guide to furthering faculty tech use on campus. It features a roadmap to successful implementation of simple interventions that will have a powerful impact on the campus digital culture.
Solutions like enhanced OER, digital faculty adoption tools and inclusive access do more than lower student costs. They increase student achievement and engagement, while ensuring teachers remain connected to students.
Highlights from the BNC faculty tech research
This white paper features exclusive data from Barnes & Noble College about student perceptions of classroom technology use at their schools.
>>60% of students say they would learn more if their campuses integrated more classroom technology.
>>63% of students say they learn most effectively from multiple-choice tests, the kind that digital courseware provides.
Find out more. Read Inspire Evolution: Increasing Faculty Technology Use in Higher Education.
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